In an emergency call 999 and ask for Police then Mountain Rescue

Meet Our Supporters – Mark Reed, Experience Outdoors T-shirts

Meet Our Supporters – Mark Reed, Experience Outdoors T-shirts

17th April, 2023

Can you tell me more about yourself ?

I started working in the outdoor industry 15 years ago, initially as a volunteer then progressing to a lead instructor at Auchengillan Outdoor centre. At the time my children where very young and balancing my fascination and passion for the outdoors with parenting was challenging. It was an incredible environment to bring up two children and I am proud to say that my 18 year old son now works at Auchengillan as an instructor.  

I now work as a freelance instructor for Glenmore Lodge and I’ve just spent my first season working for Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions as a Field guide store assistant and I also run my business Experience Outdoors which I adore. I run a variety of courses including Navigation, Climbing lessons & Winter skills. I love being able to help folks gain confidence in the outdoors.


Why did you decide to fundraise for Scottish Mountain Rescue?

I think that when you consider what makes up SMR, and the amount of time that the 850 volunteers give up dealing with an incident, it’s incredibly important that we all try to help. Also, when you consider the increase of people that are now taking to the mountains, we are seeing a consequential rise in amount of incidents. It’s vital that we try where we can, to ensure that these highly skilled volunteers are able to continue their important work as the demand for their service increases.

Tell us more about what you are planning?

It’s really exciting!!!

Experience Outdoors has designed some T-shirts with Rapanui and we would love people to buy one or two, when they do, we will donate £4.50 to Scottish Mountain Rescue. Simple!!

What I love about these T-shirts is that they are made from 50% remilled cotton (all the cotton that falls on the floor or recycled material) and 50% organic cotton. The brilliant thing is that inside the T-shirt there is QR code, scan this and then you can send it back when it’s at the end of its useful life and Rapanui will recycle it!!

How do people buy the T-shirts?

All you need to do is visit my website click the shop link and choose your T-shirt. I also have a YouTube channel where I talk about sizing and promote what’s going on, you’ll find that on the website too.

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