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Miles for SMR is back

Miles for SMR is back

24th March, 2022

After the success of last year’s Miles for SMR, when over 70 people walked, ran, biked and kayaked Miles for SMR, raising over £10,000!!! Miles for SMR is back.

As part of National Walking Month in May, we are asking our supporters to go Miles for Mountain Rescue and help support Scottish Mountain Rescue and our member teams. We are asking you to complete a mile for every Scottish Mountain Rescue Member Team call-out in a month, quarter or year. You can walk, run, cycle, kayak or swim the distance it’s up to you.

Our virtual event is a great way to challenge yourself, go solo or take part as a team, and keep track of your progress on our leaderboard.

Pick your virtual challenge, log you miles on strava and complete the distance over several days, or throughout the whole month of May. You can complete the distance in Scotland or from wherever you are in the world.

All you have to do is decide your distance and how you want to complete the distance. Then invite your friends and family to sponsor you. You have the month of May to complete your challenge.

Registration is just £15 and includes a woven badge for your rucksack or beanie. Find out more now!

You can also join our Facebook Group for participants

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